Bacterial disease in koi is a serious concern for both the hobbyist
and the professional koi keeper. Untreated, bacterial disease often
results in fin rot, ulceration (Hole Disease) and mortality.
Until now, the most effective treatment has been the administration
of antibiotics by means of injection. Obtaining the appropriate
injectable antibiotics is often difficult for the average hobbyist, as
these drugs and supplies require a prescription from a licensed
Veterinarian. Additionally, many hobbyists are understandably
reluctant to inject their koi, having had no training or experience
in this procedure.
Neocide 3 provides an excellent and often more effective and
environmentally friendly alternative to dealing with a wide range of
bacterial issues in koi.
Click through the links in the above menu bar for information on
Neocide 3. If you have any further questions please call