Approximately 5 years ago, the Emerging Diseases Research
Group at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
began working on a method to resolve multi-drug resistant bacterial
infections in human burn patients. This research lead to the
formulation of a potentiating agent that makes otherwise resistant
bacteria susceptible to low class antibiotics. The potentiator that
has proven effective against the "super" bugs that infect burns is
also effective against the common bacteria associated with topical
infections in Koi.
To date, we found Neocide 3 to be beneficial in treating superficial
infections in animals maintained in both experimental and field
conditions. Among the advantages of Neocide are it's ease of use,
safety, and applicability with a wide-variety of antibiotics and
effectiveness against gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial
Neocide 3 has a rather interesting mode of activity that facilitates
its spectrum of activity. Neocide creates holes in the bacterial cell
wall which in-turn allows antibiotics to flood the organism, destroys
the effectiveness of the bacteria's efflux pump and facilitates
osmotic collapse of the bacterium. Because the potentiator
causes direct physical damage to the bacteria, on is able to:
[+] Kill otherwise drug-resistant bacteria with low class antibiotics
[+] Use less antibiotic than would normally be necessary
[+] Stimulate wound healing
[+] Reduce the likelihood that exposed bacteria will develop
resistance to the chosen antibiotic
The latter fact is particularly important in aquaculture facilities
use of antibiotics without Neocide 3 can quickly result in
development of populations of bacteria that are resistant to
many readily available antibiotics.
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